Modefabriek puts a new dot on the horizon; Next winter edition (almost) everything will be different

19 Jul 2024
Door Modefabriek

'Unite & Embrace Change' was the theme of last summer's edition of Modefabriek. And anyone who has read the recap may have wondered whether Modefabriek itself is also going into transition to meet the demands of the time. The answer is: yes! Although, of course, it is not overnight or after the first storm. But the decision has been made: the next edition of Modefabriek will take place at a fantastic new location with many new possibilities, new accents and a lot of new energy! 

Farewell RAI Amsterdam, welcome EXPO Greater Amsterdam!

We must admit, it is a bittersweet farewell to that beautiful place, accessibly located in our beloved capital, where we have been going all out with Modefabriek, every season for 21 years, apart from the successive corona lockdowns of course. It literally feels like the end of an era. But it's time for a change and the new location, EXPO Greater Amsterdam in Vijfhuizen, is the answer to Modefabriek's current needs. And of course, with these new ideas, Modefabriek also responds to the sounds our exhibitors and visitors share with us each season. We innovate together, and for each other.

EXPO Greater Amsterdam is an impressive venue between Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam, with an industrial character, beautiful natural light - similar to the glass roof of the Europahal, but many times larger - and a large green outdoor area. It is easily accessible by car and public transport and has everything we could wish for.

The Modefabriek team is excited and full of fresh energy to give substance to the Modefabriek new style. We hope to be able to tell you more about this after the summer, but we also definitely plan to surprise our supporters and the profession on 26 & 27 January 2025!

Let’s embrace change & let’s not forget to have fun doing it!

We wish you a beautiful summer,

Team Modefabriek 

Category #MF Events
Tags Events, Trade event

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