The soft orange shade Apricot Crush has been named colour of the year
2024 by colour authority WGSN in collaboration with Coloro - The Color
The trend authority WGSN...
At Modefabriek's TRENDFORUM, fashion professionals are briefed in one
fell swoop about the 8 biggest fashion trends, colours and fabrics for
Winter 23/24.
Modefabriek visitors are no stranger to the...
Doing business in fashion means making choices every day. All these
small, large, or drastic choices are influenced by important issues
such as inflation, war, a pandemic, economic instability, and...
It was late summer days by bike through sunny Paris.
As a fashion forecaster, I visit Paris every six months to immerse
myself in fashion.
That's always a happy time...
From 31 August to 3 September, our capital was immersed in the best of
Dutch fashion during Amsterdam Fashion Week (AFW). This season, a new
generation of designers presented their...
Modefabriek returned in full force over July 10 and 11 and with it
came a host of talks, presentations and workshops that looked to
inspire visitors in the challenging current...