Meet the buyers at Modefabriek: Bahlmann Mode in Dordrecht

24 Jun 2024
Door Modefabriek

In Meet the Buyers at Modefabriek, we talk to retailers and buyers about their personal favourites, what inspires them and what they are looking for in the upcoming exhibition round. This week: Isabelle van Buchem, buyer at Bahlmann Mode in Dordrecht.


Where do you get the most inspiration? 

"On the streets and in the shops in other cities. Not only fashion stores, but also interior design stores. I regularly visit Amsterdam, Antwerp and Den Bosch. I also find it interesting to keep an eye on what a concept like Zara is doing. And of course, social media is important. I follow stylists like Lonneke Noteboom to see how they combine things."


What's on the buying list for summer 2025? 

"We would like to add a younger and more unusual brand that responds well to the latest trends (and is popular on social media). It should really have its own signature. And be able to be worn by a broad target group and not just by young girls."


Who is your favorite designer?

"I'm a big fan of Dior myself. I really like the style, but I also really like the make-up and beauty products."

What are you most looking forward to at Modefabriek? 

"I'm going for two days, because it's too much to see all in one day. The first day I'm going with my father, aunt and sister, who also work at Bahlmann Mode. The second day with colleagues from the store. We find it important to bring them along if they like it and it often provides valuable input."


Best holiday destination? 

"I don't really like flying, so I prefer not to go too far away. Next week I'm going to Ibiza, which remains a nice island with a relaxed atmosphere. I like to wander around the markets and the crowds there are well-dressed. I love that boho festival style."

Favourite interior design style for home and shop?

"We have a quiet interior at home with calm, light colours and a bit of an Ibiza vibe. And we have a bit of that in the store as well. With lots of neutral colours so that the clothes stand out. With accessories, we bring in colour."


Your favorite perfume? 

"That's very seasonal. In summer, I wear more sweet and fresh fragrances and in winter it may be a bit heavier. I have many fragrances, sometimes I don't even know what I'm wearing. Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel remains a favourite."


Why are trade fairs like Modefabriek relevant to you?

"At Modefabriek, we gain inspiration and come across new brands. But we also find it important to speak to our existing suppliers. And it's always nice to run into colleagues from other stores. At Modefabriek, you really get warmed up for the new buying season. It gives fresh energy."


What do you expect from the new season?

"It will be a bit cleaner and calmer, with fewer prints. That appeals to me, but it's important to keep the mix in our collection. That it doesn't become too clean. Some customers just love colour and prints. So here and there we will still buy some prints."


Written by Rosita van der Kwaak

Category Fashion Retail
Tags Buyers

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