Caroline's monthly message: spontaneous shopping is back

Caroline's monthly message: spontaneous shopping is back

29 Apr 2021
Door Modefabriek

I have been looking forward to this moment for months! Walking into a store again, without appointment, just on impulse or for unforeseen needs. Saying hi, feeling fabrics, trying on clothes... oh how wonderful.  


Making an appointment was, especially in the smaller stores, sometimes was really strained and also embarrassing, since you really couldn't walk out empty-handed. You want to support all those brave retailers, who have been already so terribly affected, with your heart and soul, but before you know, you have bought clothes that are not satisfactory, only motivated by a huge "retail therapy’ feeling.


The freedom of visiting a store spontaneously is something I really missed. Not only because you want to buy beautiful items. It is also the contact with others, being inspired, or discovering an unexpected gift for your sweetheart. After all these months your house, no matter how comfortable and welcoming it is, has become a place that you need to escape from every now and then. Just go outside, on a terrace, jumping into a shop and preferably also viewing an exhibition.  


The great urban journeys I make several times a year, are always filled with a combination of these ingredients, and is the first thing I will do the moment Europe opens up completely again. Many will feel the same need as I feel, so my guess is that stores will have a wonderful time ahead.  


A screen is practical and even ideal in a lockdown, but having actual contact, being surprised by a nice combination or an advice from the salesperson in store is a much more pleasant experience. 


Dear retailers, I will visit you with a big smile and I hope my enthusiasm will ease these difficult times just a little.  


Warm regards, 


Caroline Krouwels. 

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